While the price tag had long dissuaded me from getting a set for myself, Lego Mindstorms had been high on my wish list ever since I set eyes on the Dark Side Developer Kit a long time ago. So when my family got sick of my longing and indecision, they gave me the EV3 Home Edition set for my birthday a couple of years back. Wonderful stuff! But while it allows for some really impressive robots to be built, I found that the set provides limited options for inexperienced builders such as myself.

So when I received a gift certificate as a goodbye gift from my previous job, I expanded my toolbox with the largest Lego Technic set to date: the humongous Bucket Wheel Excavator. While it’s an impressive build, I especially appreciated the truckload of raw material. This would give me lots of options for building and experimentation.

Bucket Wheel Excavator parts
The contents of the Bucket Wheel Excavator (42055) set

Having quit my job, I had time to spend as well. So I set out to do what apparently lots of people do with their Mindstorms, which is to build an M&M sorting machine. And while many of these machines use non-Lego parts (especially to collect the sorted candy), I wanted mine to be all Lego. So after some time I came up with what I think is a pretty decent design.

Having put a lot of effort into the project, I wanted to preserve the design to be able to rebuild the model. So when I took the robot apart, I took photos every step of the way and used these (in reverse order) to create a model in Lego Digital Designer. Although modeling is a breeze in this piece of software, it produces building instructions that are many things:

  • animated: the parts drop into their assigned positions, which is really cool, and
  • automatically decomposed: the software decides for itself which parts constitute a sub-assembly, and
  • hilarious: “have these six pegs float at these positions until you attach them to liftarms”, and
  • unusable: “insert this piece into the center of the closed box you built over the last hour”, and
  • unalterable: AFAIK the instruction generation process is fully automated and cannot be influenced by the user.

The LDraw standard and associated software served me better. Its support for sub-assemblies makes modeling more manageable, makes large models easier to understand, and chunks the build instructions into separate sequences. I ended up using LDCad for modeling, and LPub3d to convert those models to building instructions. And with the addition of lots of LDraw source editing, I brought the results to the point where they are today.

Hoping that it might spark joy in others, I prepared my work for mass consumption, which included naming it. I settled on “klust3r” because

  • it adheres to the apparent convention of 1337ly replacing an ‘e’ by a ‘3’ in EV3 robot names, and
  • it evokes associations with the concept of categorization, and
  • it plays on the Dutch half-sentence “ik lust er” (roughly meaning “I’d like some”), which seems appropriate, and
  • it allows for trademarking because it’s not an existing word.

But because of the possible association with the English “lackluster”, the robot may suffer a name change at some point in the future.